Wednesday, November 8, 2017

! Halloween Contest Winners !

Let's all give a big ol' "Congratulations, and Job Well Done!" to Goonie Googoo, the winner of the contest, and s+mitch, in second place, for their Halloween Builds!!!

Goonie's Entire Halloween Build

s+mitch's Entire Halloween Build 

Both of your creations were awesome and fun! I will get you both your prizes the next time we are in game together. Sadly, Goonie, I am unable to give you the max level DodoRex. ARK's own Halloween event was a bust this year and the Dodo Rex was not included/summonable. As a substitution, just let me know which dinosaur you'd like and I'll summon one in at max level for you.

I apologize if I missed anyone elses build. Nobody notified me in game that they had put anything together for the contest.

I'll keep the Halloween mod installed for a few more days in case any other players would like to see your builds in person. Goonie's build can be found at roughly 26 lat, 17 lon. s+mitch's build can be found at roughly 65 lat, 78 lon.

Congratulations again Goonie and s+mitch!!!!!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Halloween Contest Judging Delayed

Hello all!

    There is an issue with Steam tonight and nobody is able to log into any ARK servers, officials and unofficials alike. Therefore, I am not able to log in and judge any Halloween builds/decorating you may have done. I will get to it as soon as I am able to log in and will post winners here, as well as post winners in my Discord channel.