Friday, July 14, 2017

Updated ARK and Added Changes to Game Files

Hello all!

The server is now updated to v262 of ARK. I've also made the following changes to the server/game files:

  • I replaced the Giga spawn points for T-Rex spawn points. Since the Devs replaced all the Rex spawn points across the snow biome for Yuty spawn points, I figured using the Giga spawn points would be a good work-a-round. As you know, I have Gigas why not use their spawn points for Rexes?
    • If needed, I can increase the spawn rates for T-Rexes since they drop an item needed for boss fights
  • I replaced the Leeds (raft wrecking whale) spawn points for Dunkle spawn points. Pretty much for the same reasons as, they are my favorite water why not have more of them????
  • I have added Daeodons back to the map, but have lowered their spawn rates. Hopefully they will not take over the snow biome again.
  • I have slightly increased the spawn rates for Tusos (squids)
    • I can increase this more if needed since they drop an item needed for boss fights
  • I adjusted the amounts of damage Bosses deal, as well as how much damaged they take. I will more than likely be tweaking this again. I am trying to find a suitable setting so that all Bosses can be solo'd, but not so easy that it's a walk in the park. Please bare with me during this.
  • I removed the ARK Advanced Supply Drops mod and have replaced it with game file code so that drops should still be worth collecting.
Also, since Gigas do not spawn on my server, I will be placing crates at my base that will contain Giga Hearts for all of you to take. The Giga Hearts are needed for the Beta and Alpha Dragon boss fights. Please, do not take all of them at once. The hearts stack to 100. Please only take one stack at a time. The Beta fight requires 1 heart. The Alpha fight requires 2. A stack of 100 should last you quite a while.

I have made the following adjustments to Baby Dino maturing and imprinting:
  • Maturing rate increased to 35x
    • Should be a decent time frame for large dinos (2-4 hours depending on dino)
    • Might affect imprinting on smaller dinos because they will mature much faster than large dinos
  • Cuddle intervals reduced to .20x 
    • Shorter time between cuddles, smaller percentage for each cuddle
    • 100% imprint might not be possible, especially on smaller dinos
  • Increased imprint buff amount to 10x
    • Should make up for not getting 100% imprints
If you feel anything needs adjusting, please make a mailbox in game and send me a letter. It's the best way to contact me.

Thank you!
